Fireblocks Now Supports CANVAS Connect the privacy focused Layer 2, Enabling Confidential and Encrypted Transactions On Ethereum.
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Use Cases

Built for Finance, enabling private, instant, low-cost transfer, trade and investment in a blockchain based world.
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The CANVAS Connect L2 blockchain facilitates real-time transfers between wallets with complete confidentiality. Benefit from private, instant, low-cost transactions secured by Ethereum.

Use Cases:

Card networks
Real-time payments for Government
International Remittance
Instantaneous 24/7/365 payments
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Any tokenised asset can be easily exchanged or traded 24/7/365 using CANVAS Connect. Integrate any trading venue to benefit from a highly scalable, confidential, blockchain built for finance.

Use Cases:

FX trading - spot and forwards
Equities trading
Bond trading
Derivatives trading - options and futures
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Empowering financial institutions to run investment functions utilising tokenised assets on a public blockchain with privacy and confidentiality of transaction information.

Use Cases:

Primary listings
Secondary listings
Tokenised Managed funds
Rights issues
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We believe that having skin in the game is everything. Our success should also be your success. We reward hard work and commitment and we want to see all of our employees winning.
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